What after CAT?

CAT 2018 is finally over. Days and Months of labor and practice has been sealed online and now we anxiously wait for the 2nd Week of January,2019. The most common question arising in the mind of CAT 2018 aspirants is what next? This is a crucial time for the aspirants in two regards. The first being […]

Do’s & Don’ts of CAT Preparation

Common Admission Test (CAT) is one of the most sought for Exams in India. An MBA degree from a reputed B-School does the same to one’s Career in the Corporate world as a Nitro-Boost does in shooting up the speedometer of a Game enthusiast by several times. In order to get into the IIMs or […]

Why MBA?

“Why MBA”, is one of the most prominent questions that every MBA aspirant is asked while seeking admission to an MBA college. Moreover, this is a question an aspirant even asks us at CF while attending our counseling sessions.  Therefore, we decided to compile a blog with the most accurate answer to the question, “Why […]